Saturday, September 20, 2014

Baptism by Capsizing

One activity our kids love is sailing. Charlotte and Finn have been joining a group of students from the school for sailing lessons at a local yacht club once a week.  All the classes they've taken with North Coast Community Sailing has paid off. (Beth and Greg would be so proud!) It's been quite fun watching them interact with the high school students. Last week they put their knowledge to task and helped teach the older kids how to tie knots. It was pretty cool watching them teach the big kids.

This week the weather was just not cooperating. The wind was at 25-30 knots which is just too severe to be on the open water. Instead, they would have them sail in the protected bay in Optis which are very stable for beginners. 

They hooked the Optis up to the safety boat and towed them to the protected bay.

Despite the fact they were in the bay, this did not prevent Charlotte from capsizing. She loves speed and was going pretty fast. As she was jibing, her foot got stuck in the hiking strap and BAM. She flipped and was turtled.  BUT she knew exactly what to do. She swam around to the other side and stood on the dagger board and flipped it back up. Since Optis don't have a drain, her boat was swamped with water. Needless to say, she was towed in and brought back to the club house because it was a cold, wet and windy day. The perfect formula for Hypothermia.

We are crossing our fingers for better weather. While the kids were rigging their boats, Piper and I stayed inside to keep warm and dry. She wrote this in her notebook:

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I remember reading (a long time ago) about how little kids describe the wind. I can see it all, the waves,boats and clouds. Good writing Piper, just remember to always start your sentences with a capitol letter.
