Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My First Published Fanfiction Story

It took me a couple days to write this but it is my first attempt at writing Fanfiction. for those of you who don't know me, I always am reading the Percy Jackson books. I was inspired to write this story because of my stuffed monkey I brought with me. My uncle Steve gave it to me for my first birthday.
Please read this Val, Leah, Peter, Willa. and anyone else out there who loves me and Percy Jackson...

Monkey for Ransom


  1. Your first piece of writing. Awesome job I felt the characters were real. On your way to becoming a writer.

  2. I felt like I was reading an excerpt from the book! Well written and captivating!

  3. I'm not familiar with the books so I was a little lost in regards to setting and characters. I understand that's the nature of fan fiction though. Good story never the less. A solid first effort Charlotte! High Five!

  4. Nice job Lalo. Having only read the first Percy Jackson, and oh so long ago I was a little confused about the characters. However, if I was a true reader of all things Percy...well, hmmm your story makes me want to pick up the series and start all over. Keep up the writing :O)

  5. Really good for your first time writing fanfic! I never finished the series, so I was a little confused though.
